• 31 March 2025

That which needs to be proved cannot be worth much.

– Friedrich Nietzsche

Farkic, J. & Gebbels, M. (2022). The Adventure Tourist: Being, knowing, becoming. Emerald Publishing.

Farkic, J., Isailovic, G. & Lesjak, M. (forthcoming). Conceptualising tourist idleness and creating places of otium in nature-based tourism. Academica Turistica.

Farkic J.,
Isailovic, G., & Taylor, S. (2021). Forest bathing as a mindful tourism practice. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, 2(2), 100028.

Farkic, J.
& Kennell, J. (2021). Consuming dark sites via street art: Murals at Chernobyl. Annals of Tourism Research, 90, 103256.

Farkic, J.
(2021). Challenges in outdoor tourism explorations: an embodied approach. Tourism Geographies, 23(1-2), 228-248.

Farkic, J.
, Filep, S., & Taylor, S. (2020). Shaping tourists’ wellbeing through guided slow adventures. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 28(12), 2064-2080.

Farkic, J.
& Taylor, S. (2019). Rethinking tourist wellbeing through the concept of slow adventure. Sports, 7(8), 190.

Farkic, J.
(2018). Outdoor guiding as hospitality work. Annals of Tourism Research, 73, 197- 199.

Varley, P., Farkic, J., & Carnicelli, S. (2018). Hospitality in wild places. Hospitality & Society, 8(2). pp. 137-57.

Farkic, J.
, Peric, D., Lesjak, M. & Petelin, M. (2015). Urban walking: perspectives of locals and tourists. Geographica Pannonica. 19(4): 212-222

Farkic, J.
, Perić, D. (2013). Značaj pešačenja i prohodnosti grada za razvoj urbanog turizma. Tims.Acta, 7(2):145-152.

Farkić, J., Taylor, S. and Bellshaw, S.M. (2023) Slow adventure in remote and rural areas – Creating and narrating the tourism product. In M. Koscak and T. O’Rourke (Eds.), Ethical and Responsible Tourism: Managing Sustainability in Local Tourism Destinations, Second Edition (95-107). Abingdon (UK): Routledge.

Farkic, J., Filep, S. and Taylor, S. (2022). Slow adventure, in Buhalis D. (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Tourism Management and Marketing.

Farkic, J., Taylor, S. & Bellshaw, S. Slow adventure in peripheral areas. In O’Rourke, T. & Koscak, M. (Eds.), Ethical & responsible tourism: managing sustainability in local tourism destinations. Routledge.

Farkic, J. (forthcoming). [Review of the book Tourism, health, wellbeing and protected areas, by I. Azara, E. Michopoulou, F. Niccolini, B. D. Taff & A. Clarke]. Tourism Analysis.

Farkic, J. (2021). An ethnography of urban exploration: unpacking heterotopic social space: by Kevin P. Bingham, Cham, Switzerland, The Palgrave Macmillan. Leisure Studies, 1-2.

Farkic, J. (2020). Book review: Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Activities Management: A 21st Century Toolkit, I. Jenkins (Ed.), CABI, Gloucester (2019), p. 220,(Pbk.),£ 39.99 ISBN: 9781786390868. Tourism Management, 78.

Farkic, J. & Mackie, C., (2017). Routledge international handbook of outdoor studies. [Review of the book Routledge international handbook of outdoor studies by Humberstone, Prince and Henderson]. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Studies.

Farkic, J.
(2016). Creating experience value in tourism. [Review of the book Creating experience value in tourism by Prebensen, Chen, Uysal] Annals of Tourism Research, (57), 291-292.

Farkic, J.
(2014). Adventure Tourism: Meanings, Experience and Learning. [Review of the book Adventure Tourism: Meanings, Experience and Learning by Taylor, Varley, Johnston]. Annals of Tourism Research, 47:104-106

Farkic, J., Isailović, G., Pešalj, G., Bekrić, Z. & Kelember, M. (2021). Developing a forest based tourism product: Natural Selfness. World Conference on Forests for Public Health, Forest Welfare, Virtual conference, 25-28 October 2021.

Filep, S., Farkic, J., & Taylor, S. (2021). Slow adventures for wellbeing: Atlas Online Annual Conference 2021: Tourism 21: Re-building Tourism–Continuities and Changes, 7 Sep 2021- 10 Sep 2021. In ATLAS Annual Conference.

Farkic, J.
(2017). Hospitality in Adventure Tourism. Doctoral Colloquium at the Inaugural conference on Service Excellence – CenSe, Business School, University of Edinburgh

Farkic, J.
(2016). Hospitality in Adventure Tourism, Research Conference, University of the Highlands and Islands, Inverness, UK.

Farkic, J.,
Perić, D., Durman, V., Kocevski, F. & Ćulibrk, N. (2014). Perceptions of the New Year Volleyball Festival in Novi Sad. In D. Tomka (Ed.), The First International Scientific Conference Tourism and Development (pp. 61). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Tourism.

Nesic, M., Farkic, J. (2014). Sport and Recreational Offer in Rural Tourism of Vojvodina. In D. Tomka (Ed.), The First International Scientific Conference Tourism and Development (pp. 36). Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Tourism.

Farkic, J.,
Romanov, R., & Nešic, M. (2014). Mountaineering Marathon on Fruška Gora – Promotion of Active Lifestyle. In M. Reimann, K. Sepp, P. Erkki, & R. Tuula (Ed.), The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, (pp. 88-89). Tallinn: University of Tallinn.

Romanov, R., & Farkic, J. (2014). The Role of Web-based Promotion in Wellness Tourism. In M. Skakun (Ed.), Thematic Tourism in a Global Environment: Advantages, Challenges and Future Developments (pp. 813-826). Belgrade: College of Tourism.

Farkic, J.,
Perić, D. (2013). Modeling of Hiking Routes with the Aim of Rural Tourism Development. North Atlantic Forum Conference. Rural Tourism: Challenges in Changing Times, Iceland, June, 2013

Farkic, J.,
Milošević, S. (2013), Turistička valorizacija galerije naivne umetnosti „Babka” kao značajnog resursa razvoja kulturnog turizma opštine Kovačica. In Jovelić-Višerov, R. (Ed.). (2014). Učešće kulturnog turizma u turističkoj ponudi Srbije (pp. 10-19). Sremska Mitrovica: Kulturni forum.

2021. Forest bathing – An innovative wellbeing tourism product, Etour Project Wellbeing Webinar, Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research

2021. Green spaces: The role of the forest, Wellbeing webinar, University of Greenwich

2021. Adding colour to dark tourism: The case of Chernobyl, Tourism and Hospitality Student Society, University of Greenwich

2020. Tourism in Chernobyl, Univerzitet Primorska, Portoroz, Slovenia

2019. Developing slow adventure product in Serbia. Tourism forum. Banja Koviljaca, Serbia

2019. Slow adventure and wellbeing. Natural selfness Natess conference, Irig, Serbia

2019. Dark tourism, University of Surrey, UK